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Do You Really Need a Plugin to Clean up Your Database?
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1. Setelah anda dapat Login ke halaman admin dengan menjalankan prosedur pada halaman Troubleshooting “Error Establishing a Database Connection” maka anda perlu menginstal Plugin khusus menangani Database, anda dapat memilih salahsatu dari Plugin yang ada dibawah ini :
Do You Really Need a Plugin to Clean up Your Database?
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1. Setelah anda dapat Login ke halaman admin dengan menjalankan prosedur pada halaman Troubleshooting “Error Establishing a Database Connection” maka anda perlu menginstal Plugin khusus menangani Database, anda dapat memilih salahsatu dari Plugin yang ada dibawah ini :
WP-Optimize is a highly-rated plugin: 4.7 out of 5 stars, with hundreds of reviews. In just one click you can use WP-Optimize to clean up and optimize your database. It can clean up post revisions, spam comments, and lots of other extraneous information. You can also set it to automatically clean your database once a week.
After installing, click on the new menu option “WP-Optimize.” There are no sub-menus; everything you can do is right there.
As you can see above, it’s pretty user-friendly even if you’re new to database management, since all the potentially dangerous options are marked in bright red with a warning.
If you click on the “TABLES” link at the top, you’ll see a list of your database’s tables, along with an analysis of how much space they’re using up. There’s also a total sum of your database space, and how much space you could save by optimizing.
Under “SETTINGS,” you can schedule automatic database cleanups to run weekly, biweekly, or monthly.
This plugin does NOT have a backup feature included, so please be sure to backup your database with another method before you install this plugin.
WP Clean Up Optimizer
WP Clean Up Optimizer cleans up old information from your database, and also has optimize and repair options. This plugin cleans up post revisions, drafts, comments, pingbacks, and orphaned information like post meta.
There’s also a Pro version with a lot more features and premium support. With the pro version You can also schedule cleanups to run automatically at any interval you choose, from daily to yearly.
To use WP Clean Up Optimizer, install the plugin and navigate to the new “WP Clean Up Optimizer” menu option. Right on the dashboard, you’ll see some items you can empty out of your database:
WP Clean Up Optimizer Dashboard
You can then click the “DB Optimizer” tab in the Dashboard to optimize individual tables. Tables that are integral to WordPress’s function are highlighted in red to prevent you from unintentionally breaking your site.
Unfortunately, a lot of the features are disabled in the free version. But if the automatic scheduler and other features are worth it to you, you can pick up the premium version starting at a one-time fee of £8, or about $12.50.
WP DBManager
With just over a million downloads and rated 4 out of 5 stars, WP DBManager is one of the more popular database cleaning plugins.
WP DBManager has features to completely manage your WordPress database. Besides cleaning it, you can also backup, restore, repair, and optimize your database. You can also schedule an automatic backup/repair/optimize and email yourself the backup file.
After you install and activate this plugin, you’ll see a the new “Database” menu option. You can backup your site by clicking on Database > Backup DB.
After you backup your database, you can go to Database > Optimize and choose which tables you’d like to optimize.
There’s also a menu option called “Empty/Drop Tables.” Be very careful in this menu, and don’t use it unless your 100% sure of what you’re doing. In MySQL, to “drop” a table means to delete it forever. There’s a tiny warning at the bottom of the page, but it’s not very noticeable.
Under Database > DB Options, you can schedule automatic backup, optimization, and repair of your databases.
Automatic scheduling for your database maintenance
2. Jalankan Plugin yg telah anda instal di halaman admin.
3. Jika telah selesai dan terjadi pesan error jangan kawatir, itu biasanya karena Plugin yang digunakan gratisan. tetapi pada intinya database telah optimalkan.
4. Hapus Plugin, jika plugin tidak dapat dihapus karena halaman admin seakan terkunci jangan kawatir, lakukan penghapusan manual melalui cPanel.
5. dan jika masih tidak bisa dihapus secara manual melalui cPanel, sekali lagi jangan kawatir. Rubahlah nilai Permissionnya :)
6. Selesai
2. Jalankan Plugin yg telah anda instal di halaman admin.
3. Jika telah selesai dan terjadi pesan error jangan kawatir, itu biasanya karena Plugin yang digunakan gratisan. tetapi pada intinya database telah optimalkan.
4. Hapus Plugin, jika plugin tidak dapat dihapus karena halaman admin seakan terkunci jangan kawatir, lakukan penghapusan manual melalui cPanel.
5. dan jika masih tidak bisa dihapus secara manual melalui cPanel, sekali lagi jangan kawatir. Rubahlah nilai Permissionnya :)
6. Selesai